


演出时间:2014年10月14日19:30    2014年10月15日 19:30


票    价:280/100/50元







Name of company:Schauspiel Frankfurt

Name of show:Medea

Date:   On October 14,2014 at 19:30     On October 15,2014 at 19:30

Place:National Theatre of China

Price: 280/100/50 RMB

Ticket hotline: 4006-101-101(Ticket Service Center of NTC) 400-610-3721

Ticket website:www.guohuapiaowu.com

Add:No.277, Guang’anmen Outer Street, Xicheng District, Beijing.


Medea Synopsis 

Medea and Jason are homeless and on the run with their children. The king’s daughter has given up everything for a life with her beloved: she has betrayed her family, left her country and murdered Jason’s father. Euripides’ inscrutable tragedy begins in Corinth where the lovers and their children have found temporary asylum. Jason has abandoned Medea and she and the children are threatened with exile. By marrying the daughter of the local king, Jason is given a right of abode – a socially and financially assured position. Deeply hurt by Jason’s betrayal and distraught at his shameless disregard of matrimony and the oath of allegiance, Medea hatches a dreadful plan for revenge. Extreme love is replaced by extreme anger: Medea resolves not only to kill her rival and her rival’s father, but her children by Jason as well. Written over 2,400 years ago, the play asks what love entitles you to do and what its limits are. It also questions the conditions and violations of personal dignity: how much has to be given up, how much needs to be taken away before a person lashes out without mercy?